Sleep Mode

My friend Hannah doesn’t know how to speak Gen-Z, but she’s great at trying. Her best translation for “Selah” is “Sleep Mode.” I was texting her last night about my week “off” that involved a decent amount of giving out with work but a whole lot more filling up with quality tasks I value. My life is wild and beautiful, and I love the fullness of all the good things God is at work doing, but sometimes I also need that critical recharge.

This week was a recharge week for me as I took time in lieu from all that camp planning and execution that stole spoons far beyond the week of. I still did my TeachBeyond work which involved one 6am meeting, but everything else was light, and I read through four and a half books (I might finish the fifth one today). I have no shame for the nerd that I am. In fact, you can tell how busy my September was by the fact that I only read ONE book all month long. Peak first world problems.

I’m grateful for a life that allows me a week without my morning alarm in order to refresh my weary body. My new norm doesn’t involve the same kind of summer reset where I have two months of that, but I’m so thankful for the encouragement to be holistically healthy and have reasonable boundaries and expectations for work-life balance.

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  1. Chuck Felton

    Rest and recharging are good for us. Even Jesus found time for that.

  2. Karin

    May all God offered you this last week remain in you for the season ahead. And may there be daily moments, even in the midst of the craziest of seasons, that refresh you as if you had set aside these days once again.