Convulvulus vs Morning Glory

Last week, Hannah and I were praying together, and she had this analogy to describe her sense that there was something choking out good stuff in our church – she said it was like a convulvulus weed. I had no idea what that was, so she showed me a picture on her phone. “That’s a morning glory,” I told her, “We used to plant those at my house when I was a kid.”

“No. It’s a weed, and it’s very bad,” Hannah insisted. We kept talking and praying and realised sometimes there are weeds that look like flowers and are deceptive enough that they are left to grow because no one realises they should be rooted out and killed.

This weekend, I went away with a group of the youth and young adult leaders of our church to pray and grow together, and we shared this image of the weed trying to kill the good things. I loved watching so many of these leaders lean in and up-skill themselves to be able to lead better but who also had the humility to recognise their own need for growth.

As usual, the camp left me tired and thankful to return to my own bed, but I’m also so incredibly blessed by the opportunity to run events like this and see how God wants to keep growing his kingdom. What a joy to be a part of this work – cultivating morning glory and weeding out the convulvulus.

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