
Every person who asked me how my week was on Friday heard me wonder at how quickly it had gone by. This weekend seems to have slipped a way just as quickly as I sit here and reflect on how much more I expected to get done, but I’m also able to look at my week and marvel at all that I did accomplish.

As usual, my insomnia didn’t help things, but I managed to get myself to all the meetings and catch ups I was meant to be at this week. I had some really quality conversations, and it gave me such a great reflective space to celebrate how God has brought me to do work and life in New Zealand. Praying through the image of the bindweed and morning glory that I shared last week, I’ve had opportunities to discern where to pull out some weeds and give attention to other flowers. It’s hard work doing ministry, but it’s incredibly rewarding.

One of the pieces of my week was getting along to a 33K gathering where several youth pastors from the city meet up to share how we’re seeing God work among the youth of our city. It’s one of my monthly highlights, and I especially loved how this week we were welcomed onto the Te Ora Hou Ōtautahi gathering space. My cross-cultural lifestyle gives a lot of special gifts, and encountering Māori hospitality is definitely one of the best. I have so much more to learn about how to serve well in this particular bi-cultural place of service, but it excites me to know these co-labourers in the Gospel.

The day before that meeting, I had two TeachBeyond team calls, and my heart stirred up with the joy of the work being done globally in the name of Christ. How cool that I get to be a part of teams reaching TCKs globally and serving in the East Asia/Oceania region. As I spent my week bouncing from place to place until I arrived at Friday night, I had one moment to catch my breath at my favourite coffee shop.

It’s wild to think that in a week’s time I’ll be packed and ready to go to America for a whirlwind visit, but I’m excited to see what God fills this week ahead with as I know it’s not just about the next thing. I get to be present here, today. This evening, I get to be a part of my church’s worship night as we sing to our Creator and praise him with songs written by members of our congregation. All these little shiny pieces of goodness in my life make up a beautiful mosaic, and while I’m excited to see the whole picture, I want to make sure I celebrate each piece as it finds it’s place in the design.

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  1. Jan Forman

    Great upbeat message this morning Laura to set you off well for your upcoming trip to the States. Praying that all the details of your trip to the States goes along without a hitch, as your stay is short and you need your luggage and wheelchair etc to be where it’s supposed to be at the right time. May God Bless all your encounters in remarkable ways. Lots of love from Jan & Alec xxx

  2. Chuck Felton

    Hope to see you in Oregon.