ADAPT Advanced: Bonus Day

Kandice and I talked early in our week at the start of this month about me having an extra session with her to check in with my progress before I went back to Germany. Today I went in for my final appointment prepared to get my butt kicked; I was not disappointed. Kandice had a whole new routine that involves a lot of standing exercises which require my butt to be fully engaged. It’s a weak muscle, and I have a lot of work to do, but I’m excited for the potential locked in my glutes. Over the last three weeks, I’ve been really intentional about engaging my glutes each step I take. The muscle was practically non-existent before one of my German therapists focused on it for weeks, and it was still incredibly weak when Kandice met me at the start of this month. I have a long, long way to go to get my butt into high gear, but it’s going to happen someday. 

My life hasn’t been easy so far, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to lighten up anytime soon despite me playing Reliant K’s request on repeat. I head back to Germany in less than a week, and based on the progress I’ve seen so far and the plans I’ve made with Kandice, I’m really excited for the physical improvements on the horizon. Honestly, I’m also excited for the emotional vacation I’ll get from returning home and sleeping in my own bed for the first time in six weeks.

I’m so grateful for the ongoing prayers as I muster through the last few days away from home, and I’d love to ask for your specific requests that I would have a healthy end to my trip. There are lots of bacteria waging war against my immune system as I type this, and I’d love a miraculous surge in strength from my body’s microscopic army. 

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