Better than Normal

I forgot to write a post this weekend; I have no excuse. I try to have some measure of routine in my weeks where I remember to give an update for everyone praying for me, and yet that sense of regularity or normalcy evades me. This elusive concept of normal sounds appealing, but it also sounds a little boring, if we’re being completely honest (which I try to be).

This past week, I still went to school every day to teach as “normal,” but I also had a few out of ordinary differences as I continued preparation for my first NHS induction as sponsor of this campus club. This involved me purchasing 47 Milka chocolate bars accompanied by judgmental looks from Germans adept at the practice of moderation and last minute announcement adjustments as my dreams of warpaint were nixed at the last minute. My Friday afternoon and evening held a little something different as well as I visited with friends who patiently brought me into their homes and let me take my time finding my footing across cobblestones or up stairs. It was a great opportunity for me to thank God for friends like the Spencers and the Formans who are still willing to share life with me even though I require a little extra maintenance. These people aren’t normal either; they are so much better.

My family group falls in that same category of better than normal. This Sunday a smaller portion of us than normal gathered together to discuss the power in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus isn’t normal. There is power in that name found in no other. I celebrate my healing so far that has happened in the name of Jesus – the Healer, the Great Physician. The Commander of the Armies of the LORD who fights away all my fears and insecurities (which are legion). 

Speaking of my multitudinous fears and insecurities… I wanted to be sure not to skip this week’s update because I know what I’ll be writing about next week and want some pre-prayers… This Friday I’ll be leaving my house extra early rather than sleeping in like all my students and coworkers as I head into Basel for my regular urology appointment. Hands down, this is my least favorite part of paralysis. If given the choice between bladder function and ankle function, (I choose both – obvi) I will always say that I’d rather stay in a wheelchair forever and be able to pee on my own.

The technicians who work in the urology department at REHAB Basel are delightful, but the tests they have to do are far from it. It’s super uncomfortable, and I have a slightly rational fear of learning that I might have permanent kidney damage. This isn’t super likely, but it’s a possible side effect to the nerve damage I have.

There’s power in the name of Jesus.

I take refuge in that. The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and they are saved. The name of Jesus is my refuge. My kidneys pale in comparison.

I still want my kidneys to be normal. No wait, I want my kidneys to be better than normal! Pray with me this week that I blow the urologist away not just with beautiful kidneys (which I already know I have from my jahreskontrolle) but with miraculous recovery of function between now and Friday morning. 

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