Intentional Optimism
Like all healthy people, I like happy things. I look for them to celebrate, and I create positivity when I can. I have a lot of negative crap in my…
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Like all healthy people, I like happy things. I look for them to celebrate, and I create positivity when I can. I have a lot of negative crap in my…
I'm not a fan of homework - what weirdo is? I do assign it, however, and I expect my students to do it. Generally in my class, I assign classwork…
While it was only a half week of work for most in America, I had school every day, and two big meals to celebrate my international community. I'll be honest,…
During this morning's prayers of intercession at church, we heard about a ministry our congregation supports that helps young women who are victims of violent acts. As I looked at…
An alumni recently messaged my TA encouraging him to "always be a pain the the butt" to me. I know this because the alum sent me a screenshot of the…
My back hurts. I don't say that much - I hope - but there's often a dull ache that goes along with the hum of my life. Today it's a…
I love my job. I wheeled through dog poop on my way to get groceries this morning. These things can coexist, and I'll still choose to say that my life…
About twelve years ago I went to my first Demon Hunter concert (above left). They were my favorite band at the time and remain so to this day. When I…
My life has highs and lows closely aligned, and this week was no different. I had a crazy stress filled week with a lot of business and a lot of…
I'm emotionally tapped out. I knew it was coming, and I should have written this post before the final Westport service, but I didn't know what to say. Twelve years…
I was sick with a cold type mess last week, and my legs put up a fight when Hunter and I went for a walk this past Thursday. I was…
I was a choir nerd for four years of high school, and I looked forward to the annual spring trip to "Musicale" where all the regional Christian high schools sent…
I'm not lying when I share the sunshine in my life. I really do love the opportunity I have to teach bright, intelligent, inquisitive students. I also celebrate the chances…
I just spent the last half hour listening to various songs on YouTube to see if I could come up with one with lyrics to create a theme for this…
"If you were an ice cream, what flavor would you be?" Our student body president asked the audience this at our opening ceremonies Wednesday. He went on to emphasize the…
My legs are still figuring things out as I prepare to start the school year with students this week, but Virgil and Beatrice are getting more used to longer days…
I started work last week with some meetings and all staff conference where I got to hear some awesome testimonies of the new staff members. Four years ago I stood…
Let me first say, I'm amazed people pay any attention to me. I mean, from my perspective, sure, there is loads going on with me, but from a global scale,…
I honestly did very little this week, so feel free to reread last week's entry and remember the extreme exhaustion I was recovering from. I had minimal social interactions, kept…
"I wish I had the money to pay my way past the lines in security," I once heard a snarky lady comment as my family trouped through the frequent flyer line at…