Yesterday, one of my coworkers commented, “I know it’s tough to be at work on your birthday,” as he added a gift to another sitting on my desk.
“Anything’s better than rehab,” I was quick to reply.
I really did have an incredible birthday last year, but the beginning of a long term hospitalization is no way to choose to spend your birthday. I was so blessed by the hundreds of people around the world praying for me last year, and I continue to be blessed by all of you who have not forgotten me in this long process of healing and recovery. I was also much happier to spend the day teaching than in rehab. I love my students, so that was a hands down improvement.
I also had the joy of another landmark in physical therapy. Yesterday, Anja had me warm up on the treadmill again before trying out a pair of standard forearm crutches. I had a healthy amount of terror as Anja followed closely behind me while I made my way around the large therapy room. At first, as I wobbled forwards, my mind filled with doubts that I’d never be able to manage this on my own. I had to quickly remind myself that the first time I walked through parallel bars, I needed three therapists to help me; I felt a similar terror that I’d never manage to walk with the rollator or sticks I have now when I first tried them. Anja told me that I just needed more time practicing with them to feel safe.
Exhausted from the hard work at therapy, I returned home to eat some dinner and bake some brownies. I had just a handful of friends come over to my tiny apartment to laugh with me and pray with me. We had some homemade gluhwein with my brownies before playing a round of Apples to Apples and spending time in prayer for the requests I wrote last week. I eagerly anticipate the good gifts God will give me this coming year.