Crazy Radical

A few years ago I read the book Radical by David Platt; it was incredible. I just started reading Crazy Love, and I know I’m late on that train, but it’s pretty great so far. These books are super encouraging to me as one of those crazy people who packed up and moved across the globe “because God told me to.” 

I was talking to my best friend who did a similar thing years ago and is now planning how she can spend time living and ministering to those in poverty in America this summer. This girl is a huge encouragement in my life because she’s never satisfied with just living radically for Jesus. She always wants more; she always wants to deeper experiential knowledge of that crazy love of Jesus.

Near the end of our conversation tonight, she mentioned how even though we do things judged to be crazy by the outside world, she couldn’t imagine turning back. There’s no way she’d want to give up Jesus even though following him has some challenges. It’s always worth it.

I totally agree. I jumped in to echo her sentiment affirming that I have no regrets moving to Germany, climbing that wall, and continuing to celebrate the good works of my Savior in my life every day. 

I’ll be honest though, it’s sometimes exhausting.

I was sharing that with Jordy tonight too. I’m learning right now the paradox of hard work to improve my condition and patiently letting the Lord work within me. It’s all packed nicely into Philippians 2:12-13 which reads, “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Paul is encouraging believers to live a life worthy of the Gospel but also recognizes it’s all about God doing the good work in us anyways.

I’ve got a responsibility to live well – to use my muscles and strengthen my body. At the same time, I know that my God is the Great Healer capable of amazing miracles. I live in constant expectation of him healing me. 

It’s exhausting.

I wake up each morning and work hard and wait hard. It’s exhausting to exert the effort necessary to get out of bed and get dressed. It’s exhausting to anticipate a miracle and not be let down when it doesn’t happen. Full healing hasn’t happened yet, but that doesn’t mean miracles haven’t happened, nor does that mean that I won’t wake up with new function tomorrow morning. I’m expecting it. I went to a service this week where the pastor encouraged everyone to expect miracles and to “step into peace” to receive them. He was preaching from Mark 5 where the woman reaches out to Jesus and he tells her, “Your faith has made you well. Go into peace.” I want to reach out and touch Jesus; I want to walk into peace. Every step I take from now on is a step into peace.

This week, please pray with me for something crazy radical – pray that I’ll live in that paradox of hard work and amazing miracles. Pray that in the exhaustion that comes from that effort and hope that I will find my strength and energy from the Prince of Peace.

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