Oedipus knew the standard route of walking when he solved the riddle of the Sphinx, but I totally throw the pattern off. I went from two legs to four wheels and now I’m going around on anywhere from four to ten legs. Most recently, though, I’ve been playing around with just six legs in my apartment.
Let’s work the math out on that one.
First, let me mention that just after I posted my last update, I discovered a flat tire on my wheelchair. I had to spend the weekend using my sticks as much as possible since it was unsafe and damaging to the flat tire to roll around on it. Out of necessity, I took a couple steps with just my right stick around the apartment – six legs (the stick has four feet). I’d written a while back about how I did that for a few steps and hurt my back, so I was super cautious this time. I made sure to focus on the muscle groups my therapist practiced with me, and I woke up the next day with no extra back pain.
Since then, the wonderful maintenance department at school has patched my tire, but I’ve been trying more short distances in my apartment with only one stick. This is a huge call for celebration.
I’m also getting better at the forearm crutches with a practice a couple times a week now. I’m excited about what that means for my mobility. I’m improving my balance and strength. I’ve still got a long way to go, but I’m so grateful for this new accomplishment. My therapists are now focusing on stimulating and loosening muscles in my feet and ankles. I still don’t have any control of that myself, but I’m hopeful for new improvements soon.
Oh, and my insurance paid the outstanding bill!