Snail’s pace

When German friends ask me how I’m doing, I answer “Immer besser,” or “always better.” I’m making slow progress, and sometimes I’m frustrated at the pace, but I have to recognize that I’m still moving forwards. It’s a Schnecke pace – slow as a snail – but I’ve noticed those snails can really book it in the spring after the rain stops. This past week, I feel like I moved super slowly and didn’t reach the distances I had hoped. I did reach some other goals outside of my physical movement though. I taught my students for three days last week, and I was so delighted to see them all back in the classroom. Today, one of them told me I am as cool as Mrs. Fung, the super awesome English teacher they have. 

I don’t have any significant update to provide this week, but I want you all to know I’m still moving forwards. I haven’t seen the first snails of the season yet, but I’ll be ready to race them when they show up. 

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