Back to School

I love my job. I love it so much. I get to teach students about the Bible and how to read well. I have the privilege of doing this every school day. Last year I was able to teach two class periods a day; this year based on my improvements and the school’s needs, I’ll be teaching a third class period each day. I’m honored with the responsibility of teaching the Old Testament class to the incoming freshman class.

This has a huge impact on my coming year because one extra hour in the classroom adds several hours a day in actuality. I will have a second class to prep for and extra papers and tests to grade. Fortunately, one of my incredible students from last year volunteered to be my TA this semester. I also have other students willing to help me out this year – have I mentioned how much I love my job? These amazing kids are willing to enable my service here.

Last Thursday and Friday were the first days of all staff conference for BFA, and I pushed hard through two full days of work before horse therapy Friday afternoon. My therapist pushed me extra hard on the horse because of the improved function I have in my hips and glutes; I was feeling nice and sore on Saturday. I love waking up to the muscle aches because it means I have feeling and the muscles are being used. Hunter took some pictures of me on Friday during the horse therapy, so you can all see me concentrating and working hard while also wearing my awesome new sweater. For those who haven’t seen it in person, I sharpied arrows next to the vertebrae that I broke on the stylish spine that runs down the back.

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