Every person who asked me how my week was on Friday heard me wonder at how quickly it had gone by. This weekend seems to have slipped a way just…
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Last week, Hannah and I were praying together, and she had this analogy to describe her sense that there was something choking out good stuff in our church - she…
This week I got the soul filling beautiful experience of a day with Dan and Wendy in my city. Dan and Wendy were my life group leaders at Westport over…
I love me a good Thursday. This past Thursday I sat at the bus stop from Burwood to go to the beach, and I texted one of my precious children…
I've got a pretty incredible life. I don't say that lightly. I've got a disability that slows me down and causes a lot of pain and inconvenience, but let me…
I've long been a fan of @scottthepainter on Instagram, and while my scheduled traumaversary post went out last week, I was enjoying the interpretation put on my arm of…
Time is a construct, so when am I writing or posting this anyways? The email will hit inboxes on my Sunday which will be America's Saturday though I'm scheduling it…
My Monday adventure began with a trip to Burwood hospital for back to back appointments. I first stopped at the artificial limb building where I was greeted by a woman…
This past Monday I went to the spinal hospital to let them scan my kidneys and bladder for an upcoming appointment. I was so excited for the tech to see…
I'm still getting used to not living on a school calendar, and especially to being on a southern hemisphere cycle. This past week has been a wonderful summer vacation and…
I get so excited when I hear young people talk about wanting more of the Bible and craving God's word. Based on the feedback of young people wanting more access…
When I moved to Germany, it was into a primarily North American community of people who had lived cross-culturally, and I was prepared for a lot of culture learning. I…
Acts 10 is one of my favourite stories. I do say that a lot about Bible stories, but this one gets exciting as Peter shares the Gospel with the Roman…
Here I am on the cusp of another Giving Tuesday preparing to ask the masses on the internet for money. It's a strange life I have to live and breathe…
I had a really encouraging call with one of my TeachBeyond supervisors this week. She was in the midst of some family struggles, and as she checked in on where…
I had a young adult call me in tears this week lamenting that she couldn't tell the difference between the Holy Spirit and her mental illness. After about an hour…
I'm angsty enough to read poetry (and even write it sometimes). One of my all time favourite poems ever to be written is "Hope Is Not a Bird, Emily, It's…
Well, this post won't hit inboxes like normal, but I do think I got my instagram updates restarted. This weekend was a much needed reset for my brain and body,…
This past Sunday I was listening to Mark share a Bible verse he's memorising with no notes or prompting as he gave the notices in the evening service. I was…
There are lots of things in my life that I never expected to happen. Leading a team of amazing Kiwi youth leaders among the top. As a middle schooler watching…