Trauma is a difficult thing. It affects everyone differently. I’ve tried very hard to be open about my experience, but I need to reiterate that my fall was a traumatic…
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My body has been through a lot in the last five days, and it's been an incredible experience. Kandice and I worked through a lot of different exercises and practiced…
I'm so grateful for the physical therapy care I've been provided over the last year and a half. From Saskia at the hospital the first week after my accident to…
With the bar set high from yesterday's adventure, I showed up after breakfast with one of my favorite students ever ready for more amazing discoveries about my body. We started…
Yesterday being such a full day, I slept hard and struggled to get out of bed this morning. However, I was eager to get back to work with Kandice and…
As I hinted at before, I have a week of intensive therapy planned here in Portland. Today was day one of my therapy at ADAPT Advanced where I'll be learning…
These past two weeks have been a blur for me, and as exhausting as they've been, I've been so blessed by my extended family. I wrote last week about spending…
A lot has happened in the last week, and it would take me thousands of words to recount it all. Rather than focusing on the frustrations of airport staff referring…
When I was in middle school, there was a popular trend of creating your "Life Playlist." I'm sure my Myspace page was littered with them as each week a new…
When I was in middle school, there was a popular trend of creating your “Life Playlist.” I’m sure my Myspace page was littered with them as each week a new…
The BFA yearbook came out today, and the title each year is "Phases." I love that title. BFA is a phase of life for students at BFA and many of…
Every teacher hates variations of the question "What's the least we can do to pass?" I'm no exception. I inwardly (and sometimes outwardly) groan every time a student asks how…
This weekend I went over to some friends' house for dinner, and we ended up playing Settlers of Catan. At one point in the game, I blocked another player from…
Oedipus knew the standard route of walking when he solved the riddle of the Sphinx, but I totally throw the pattern off. I went from two legs to four wheels and…
My posts here have slowed down, but that's only because my life hasn't. I had some high and low and hilarious moments over the past two weeks. Just after my…
A few years ago I read the book Radical by David Platt; it was incredible. I just started reading Crazy Love, and I know I'm late on that train, but it's pretty…
When I was an early teen, the Matrix sequels were a big deal. So much so, Ron Luce's crew did a Matrix theme for Acquire the Fire the first year…
Things are constantly changing inside my body, and there are nerves growing millimeters a day with results that I can't see yet. I haven't posted here for a while because…
Just like Queen, I want it now, too. Sunday night at family group, we talked about prayer, and one of the adults asked me if the group could pray over…
It's amazing the way people rally around individuals in crisis. I saw it when I woke up from surgery over a year ago, and the city of Portland is witnessing…