This past Monday I went to the spinal hospital to let them scan my kidneys and bladder for an upcoming appointment. I was so excited for the tech to see my beautiful kidneys, but I have to tell you, she was not as impressed with my internal organs. (For those of you newer to my journey, my Swiss doctor once told me that I have textbook perfect kidneys; I’m very proud of this.) I’m still convinced I could be a kidney model as a fall back career, but I’ll keep my job for now.
My life is a wild adventure, and the hospital trips are included in that. However, I do get the blessing of balancing them out with beach trips or adventures to Castle Hill on windy days. I love where I live, and I’m grateful for the chance to sit outside in the sunshine and praise God for the crazy story that got me here.

I don’t ever want to lose sight of how awesome it is to get to live in this beautiful country. I hold that in tension open handed with the reality that I have to make another trip out to the spinal hospital next week and the week after for more appointments. Praise God it’s all covered under the Ministry of Health here on my visa, but also, let’s remember that I’m still sad I have a severely limiting disability. In each of those photos above, I am at the edge of something awesome, and my wheels brought me so much further than I could get without them… but I couldn’t get on the rocks or in the water.
This year is off to a great start, and I have some incredible opportunities lined up that will take a lot out of me but be so worth the celebration. I won’t put all the spoilers in this post – mostly because I want to focus on how much good came this week when I was fully present in the limits that I do have. I missed out on seeing sunrises, but I enjoyed my morning coffees. I also got banana bacon pancakes for lunch on Saturday, and you can’t beat that.
Happy New Year Laura, so good that your health is being closely monitored and praying for a helpful outcome of improved care and therapy for you. Glad to see you’ve been enjoying the great outdoors in NZ. Wishing you blessed encounters in 2025 love from Jan xxx
I’m not sure why that person wasn’t impressed with your beautiful kidneys and Botox bladder!?! The Lord has made you beautiful inside and out!! Love and Hugs to you, my friend! Carol