Things are constantly changing inside my body, and there are nerves growing millimeters a day with results that I can’t see yet. I haven’t posted here for a while because I was preparing for spring break then enjoying my first week of break, and I felt like I had no updates to offer here.
I still really don’t have anything new to share about what’s going on with my body, but I hope you’re praying with me. I still want it all; I still crave holistic healing; I still struggle to sleep through the night and have to deal with external aids in mobility and basic functions. That feels like old news, but I hope you’ll hear it as new and remember me.
When I sat down to write this post, I realized there’s something else that sometimes feels like even older news that I think is much more important to hear as new again. There was this story that happened long ago where an innocent man was beaten and killed, and he took the pain and suffering willingly. He died a gruesome death on a Friday, and his friends and followers mourned all day Saturday before they discovered what all Harry Potter fans know: self sacrificing love conquers death. But better than Harry Potter, this story offers eternal healing.
As Paul reflects in Philippians 3, I too am willing to give up everything on earth “because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord,” fully aware that “our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body.”
Selfishly, I really don’t want to be forgotten, and I hope you’ll keep listening to my story of recovery. However, I also have to make clear that even deeper in my soul, I really don’t want this story to be about me. I want to be a subplot in Jesus’ story. I want to be a supporting character to the greatest hero ever.
If you’ve never heard his awesome story, there’s plenty of places around the world that will be talking about it tomorrow. I’ll be celebrating that story in the morning at the Anglican Church Basel, and if you’re in that city, I invite you to come. I know that my family in Denver will be celebrating it at the Embassy; if you’re in that city, I invite you to show up. My Westport family will be celebrating in Hillsboro, my parents with the family at Cedar Mill in Beaverton, my sister with brothers and sisters at Pulpit Rock Church.
Below, I’ve put the websites of these churches in case you are nearby. If you’re in another city and you have a place to go, could you share it in a comment (I’m looking at you, Dallas, TX; Raleigh, NC; Philadelphia, PA; and Naples, FL)? Based on my markers on the “Define catholic” post from last year, I know there are people around the world who are praying for me and might read this. There also might be some people in your city who read this and don’t have a service to go to yet.
Basel, Switzerland: Denver, Colorado: Hillsboro, Oregon: Beaverton, Oregon: www.cmbc.orgColorado Springs, Colorado: