Better than a Super Birthday Bowl

I love getting old. I look great for forty – because I’m still four years away from forty.

I also love that I can reflect on how God has grown me since I was young and cried over my birthday getting ruined by the Super Bowl twenty years ago. When I was in the hospital eleven years ago, I turned this day into a purposeful prayer opportunity, and while I forgot to include my five annual prayer requests at the bottom of Sunday’s post, I’m sharing this now to let the world know before the sun sets on my birthday in New Zealand and as it rises in Europe here are five ways I’d love for extra prayer.

  1. Pray that God is glorified. First and most important, as always.
  2. Praise God for those awesome nine baptisms! HOW COOL! Honestly, praise God that I get to be a part of this amazing work in New Zealand in whatever capacity God has given me each day. I don’t take it lightly.
  3. Praise God for the beautiful gift of a trial wheelchair that arrived on my birthday! I’ll have a week to test out all the features and make requests to tweak before the final one is ordered.
  4. Praise God that I am surrounded by people who love me and am so loved and encouraged as I grow into my giftings while also learning how to be holistically healthy in my body.
  5. Ask God for everything. We’re just getting started. I want to walk again, and I know God is not done doing work in my body yet.

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  1. ray

    Thank you Lord for Lauria for her encouragement to everyone around her
    thank You for bringing her into my life