Ordinary Radical
I'm not sure if Michael Horton and David Platt are friends, but I love both of their respective books, Ordinary and Radical, as they teach different valuable things about following…
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I'm not sure if Michael Horton and David Platt are friends, but I love both of their respective books, Ordinary and Radical, as they teach different valuable things about following…
Last Sunday I was in the air most of the day, so I chose to wait to give a full report of my last week out of Germany and my…
This is year five of my nod to the Myspace tradition of "life playlists" that I used to make each week in middle school and early high school. Click here…
I was going to post my annual playlist this week, but the awesome adventures call for a more exciting update. You see, tonight I went to a Hillsong church with…
I mentioned in my last post that Matt and Jacqui had given me a beautiful gift basket filled with loads of thoughtful gifts representing different elements of my stay in…
It's been a while since I've been late on posting, but I can make up for it with good photos of my weekend. Before adventuring around for a weekend though,…
This Thursday I was invited to speak to a leadership class of year 8 students at a nearby school. My friend Rochelle told me her students were learning about how…
I had a brilliant plan to skip a winter when I was on sabbatical, and what a gift it was to avoid the coldest months in the northern hemisphere with…
We're past the statute of limitations on certain spoilers, but I won't ruin Avengers for anyone. I did just get home from watching it, but you can read this regardless…
I'm looking forward to seeing the Swiss Alps again, but I'm cherishing every day with a view of the Southern Alps. Yesterday I had the joy of hopping in a…
I had so much angst as a teenager, and Relient K sang about my feelings all the time. The song "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" was particularly poignant…
There's nothing like Easter Camp in America. I've spent the whole weekend telling my Kiwi friends this is a unique experience, and worshipping with 3,000 young people through this weekend…
There's a great story in the Gospels of Jesus walking on water while his disciples are in their fishing boat. Peter asks Jesus to call him out to walk on…
Okay, so last week I wrote about how I'm never giving up, and I don't want anyone to give up on me. This week, I've spent a lot of time…
I worried for a bit about what I would put in this week's update, but then I remembered Shannon told me that I'm only supposed to take twenty minutes a…
That verse I borrowed for my title last week reads in its entirety, "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." There's often a stark juxtaposition of emotions…
When I was 12, my morning routine involved getting dressed upstairs before coming down to eat some snack or breakfast while my mom was occasionally watching the morning news or…
Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return. I didn't go to an Ash Wednesday service this year, but I did eat pancakes. Twice actually. I learned that…
This past Monday I had another appointment with Mike, and we met at the gym so he could see my progress on the routine he'd given me. I arrived a…
"Everyone put your hands up in the air. Great, now how long do you think you can hold them there?" About three of my year seven and eight kids dropped…